- A person applying for the Texas CPA certificate must pass an examination on the Board's Rules of Professional Conduct, (the Rules) as required by Section 901.252 of the Public Accountancy Act.
- You may reference the Rules at any time while taking the examination. A link to the Rules will be provided after the examination has been started.
- This is an honor-system examination and your independence and professionalism are important factors. The content of this examination is the property of the Texas State Board of Public Accountancy and should not be copied, duplicated, or shared with others.
- There are no trick questions on this examination. It is intended to raise your awareness of the Rules of Professional Conduct, which you are required to follow as a Texas CPA. Select the best response from the options provided.
- A passing score is a score of 85% or higher. A person receiving a score of less than 85% will be eligible to complete a new examination after a 14-day waiting period. An email will be sent notifying each person when the new examination is available.
- There are five pre-test questions included in this examination. These questions will not be graded or used to determine your score.
- NOTE: You are required to complete and submit your exam within 48 hours of beginning your exam. If the exam is not submitted within this period, only those responses that were entered will be graded. A new examination will be available after the 14-day waiting period. An email will be sent notifying you when you are eligible to complete a new examination.
We wish you the best on successfully completing the exam
- You may reference the Board Rules for Professional Conduct at any time while taking this examination. Make certain that this link opens to the Rules before starting.
- You have 48 hours to complete the exam
- The 48 hour test window begins immediately after you click the 'Start The Exam' button below
- You have 48 hours to complete the exam
- The 48 hour test window begins immediately after you click the 'Start The Exam' button