Certification - Swearing-In Ceremony
Swearing-In ceremonies are staged twice a year by the Board to honor newly licensed CPAs who completed the CPA exam as a Texas candidate, and formally welcome them to the profession. It is both a fun and solemn occasion that recognizes the years of work that new licensees have invested in achieving their goal while providing the opportunity to share this accomplishment with family and friends.
The program recognizes the Top Ten Texas candidates - those who have posted the ten highest cumulative scores on the Uniform CPA Exam, taking each section only once within 12 months from their initial testing date. The Board also takes this opportunity to recognize a special group of CPAs - those who have maintained their licenses for 50 years!
Before the oath of office is administered, the presiding officer of the Board offers a keynote address that praises and challenges the candidates. At the conclusion of the ceremony, the candidates file across the stage to receive their certificates individually as they shake the hands of Board members offering their heartiest congratulations.
Following the ceremony, new licensees and their families will have an opportunity to mingle and talk informally with Board members, 50-year members, and other newly licensed CPAs, some of whom they might have known from college. The Swearing-In Ceremony offers a wonderful opportunity to recognize your achievement and kick off a career for which you have worked long and hard.
After you are registered as a new CPA, you will be sent an invitation to attend a Swearing-In Ceremony.