505 E. Huntland Drive, Suite 380, Austin, TX 78752-3757 |
The mission of the Texas State Board of Public Accountancy is to protect the public by ensuring that persons issued certificates as certified public accountants possess the necessary education, skills, and capabilities and that they perform competently in the profession of public accountancy. |
Licensee Information
Fingerprint-Based Background Check Updates
December 15, 2022
If your license had been suspended for failure to complete the legislatively mandated fingerprint-based background check, access your account through the Online Services and follow the instructions. After successfully completing the fingerprinting process, the suspension will be removed and your license will be eligible for renewal. Any late fees that accrue during the time of suspension will not be waived.
February 18, 2020
The fingerprinting instructions and process are now available to all licensees. You can access your specific fingerprinting status and instructions by logging intoOnline Services on the Board's website. You will also be reminded to complete the fingerprinting requirement when you receive your annual renewal notice. However, there is no need to wait for your renewal month to complete the fingerprinting process. The most common question so far:
My fingerprints were rejected. What do I do now? When fingerprints are processed by IdentoGO they could be rejected for various reasons. You will need to be fingerprinted again to meet the requirement, but free of charge.Read More information
March 11, 2025
Firm License Renewals due April 30, 2025 can now be paid Online
Use Online Services for Firms to manage all phases of the annual renewal process.
March 11, 2025
Individual License Renewals due April 30, 2025 can now be paid Online
Use Online Services for Individuals to manage all phases of the annual renewal process.
August 12, 2024
Individual License Fee Increase
As a result of the Board's projected revenue, expenditures, and fund balances, modest fee increases are necessary to maintain the same level of operations for Texas licensees. Effective September 1, 2024, the annual individual license fee will increase from $97 to $112 (includes $10 scholarship fee). All other fees will remain the same. The Board is self-sustaining. All direct and indirect costs must be paid from what it collects in license renewal fees, firm registrations, exam fees, sponsor registrations, and other collections. The following table can be used as a general guide, but your individual fees may vary depending on your specific circumstances, the timing of your previous payments, and your current status with the Board. Please refer to Online Services for Individuals to check your specific status.

*In addition to the annual fee per office, an organization fee based on the count of CPAs and non-CPA owners for each registered firm will also apply per the following schedule. Please refer to Rule §521.13 for detailed instructions:

July 10, 2023
Email License Expiration Notices
Effective immediately, the Board will exclusively email license expiration notices to licensees with email addresses on file. Mailed reminders will no longer be sent, unless the Board does not have your email address on file. Use Online Services on the Board's website to ensure your email and mailing addresses are up-to-date and you receive important Board notifications.
June 7, 2024
Firm License Expiration Notices
Effective immediately, the Board will exclusively email firm license expiration notices to firms with email addresses on file. Mailed reminders will no longer be sent unless requested. Please use Online Services on the Board's website to ensure the firm's email and mailing addresses are up-to-date.
February 16, 2024
Risk Management and the Corporate Transparency Act (including sample engagement letter)
Reference this resource from the AICPA to learn how to mitigate the unique risks CPA firms may encounter when delivering CTA compliance/BOI reporting services. A sample engagement letter is included.
More Info
August 11, 2023
Individual License Fee Increase
As a result of the Board's projected revenue, expenditures, and fund balances, modest fee increases are necessary to maintain the same level of operations for Texas licensees. Effective September 1, 2023, the annual individual license fee will increase from $85 to $97 (includes $10 scholarship fee). All other fees will remain the same. The Board is self-sustaining. All direct and indirect costs must be paid from what it collects in license renewal fees, firm registrations, exam fees, sponsor registrations, and other collections. Your individual fees may vary depending on your specific circumstances, the timing of your previous payments, and your current status with the Board. Please refer to Online Services for Individuals to check your specific status.
July 10, 2023
Email License Expiration Notices
Effective immediately, the Board will exclusively email license expiration notices to licensees with email addresses on file. Mailed reminders will no longer be sent, unless the Board does not have your email address on file. Use Online Services on the Board's website to ensure your email and mailing addresses are up-to-date and you receive important Board notifications.
June 7, 2019
CPE Rule Revised to Allow for Non-Resident CPE Reciprocity
Board Rule 523.112 - Required CPE Participation has been revised to allow non-resident Texas CPAs to meet this portion of their annual renewal by affirming that they meet the CPE requirements of their home state. Board Rule 523.112 (e)
May 23, 2018
Panel Discussion: Future Skills and the MRA
NASBA and other accountancy bodies around the world share a panel discussion about the status of mutual recognition agreements and future skills that accounting professionals will need.